Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Urgent Call to Stop Using Plastic!!!

If you've been in this blog for quite sometime, you will know that I quit watching news because it frustrates me and that it gives me negative vibes. But last night, I accidentally watched a news about a dead whale with 40kg of plastic in its stomach.

My heart bleeds. I am heartbroken. This is because of us!

What are plastics?

Google defines plastics as a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into shape while soft and then set into a rigid or slightly elastic form. Plastic bags are not biodegradable. It will take more than 1000 years or even more before to break down into smaller particles that will continue to pollute the soil and water. As early as in the 1970s, there have been concerns about its disposal because plastic lasts in the environment longer. These days are worse as it continue to pollute our land and oceans. 

Why should we stop using plastic?

Plastics travel from coast to coast.

Birds and marine animals mistake the plastics as food.

Plastic stays in the landfill forever if ever it reach the landfill.

There may be plastics in our bodies. Bisphenol A, “BPA,” typically used for polycarbonate bottles and the linings of food and beverage cans, leach into our food and drinks.

How can I contribute to less usage of plastics?

1. I personally ban the use of plastic bags.
2. I say no to plastic straws.
3. We practice BYOB (Bring Your Own Bayong)
4. We bring our own water bottle.
5. I bring my own pack snacks in containers.
6. I personally avoid snacks/food with excess packaging.
7. We stop using plastic cutlery
8. Swap out the plastic toothbrush. 
9. Replacing the plastic with wire hangers.
10. I switch to e-billing.
11. We avoid buying frozen foods because the packaging is mostly plastic.


We are a work in progress. We are not perfect with implementing the zero plastic waste management. There are a lot of areas that needs improvements. This is a fact. I acknowledged that.

And at this age, when almost everything is using plastics, it is somewhat like choosing the lesser evil. Finding the alternatives to be able to eradicate the use of plastics in our lives is a task we should prioritize. The effort will make a difference.

If only, each and every family will take part, we can save the marine lives, our ocean, and our land. Our earth.We should be responsible for all of the items we purchase. Not just to save but also the effect it will cause to our future generation.

And I repeat: This topic is within my circle of influence. It concerns me and my child. I should take action.

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