Saturday, February 24, 2018

WARNING: Overdue Post, Publishing It Anyway

WARNING: Overdue post from the draft. Posting it just now. :)

The intention to write is overwhelming especially when I am idle on something. But, the thing is, I am having difficulty gathering the idea I wanted to share. My 2017 personal finance goals achievement were not impressive and what I had hope it to be. I am prolonging the idea to write about this, but, because I am accountable to this own blog and to myself, I have to. Other than that, I am not comfortable sitting with no output at all.

I am not into crocheting this week, because I wanted my hands and eyes to rest. I mentioned this on the other blog.

Yes, I was able to pay the consumer debts last year and I was expecting that freeing those amount of money could give way to saving more. Yet, it actually confuse me now, how on earth am I not fast growing my savings?

The reality is that when I get a hand with my payday money, it seems like it is evaporating in seconds I could not even get a grip of it. This January saw how I went back to over spending with dining out more often with friends and family. The imminent price increase on necessities and commodities hit my money to a lesser value.

This change is inevitable though. With the new tax law implemented the first of day of this year, it follows this price increases on every item we use. A chain of reaction.

However, our bimonthly pays haven't coped up yet with the new tax law. And it left me now, trying to discern, how else can we make ends meet.

I wanted our family of three to eat healthy, enjoy weekends, paid the bills on time , and still have something added in our meager passbook accounts. With the rate of things going, I really need to device more ways to earn, live simply without sacrificing the quality of food intakes, and enjoyment on a much rather free entertainment.

Okay, I hope that this February, there is no much eating out. This is doable since this is no longer my birth month.

I will have to practice saying 'NO' again. It is not because I do not want to be with the friends but because, my friends are mostly single and I have a family to take care of.
The loyalty cards we have from a local grocery has already 400 points equivalent to Php400 pesos which we have redeemed on Sunday for our grocery this week. Our viand for the week is now free.
I don't cut back on food. So maybe, we will go back with more home cooking this month and limits our dining out as a family.

There is a free shuttle to office and I will have to take advantage of it this time. I just need to go out early from home so I can make it to the shuttle on time.
Coffee is still free at the office. I have to remind myself of that.
I think I will have to accept orders for handmade crochet starting next week. But I will have to make sure to take it easy this time.

I have to cross my fingers that hopefully by next payday, the new tax decrease is already reflected in our income.

This will pass. As long as we are not actually dipping in a portion of our paper investments and no additional debt incurred, I think we are still good. Hoping, the coming months saw a gradual development if not drastic progress on our savings.

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