Thursday, April 5, 2018

Don't Forget To Have Cheat Days

Our first quarter of the year, saw us with lots of spending. Literally.

January. My birthday month.

February. Bonding with my brother and her family and bringing my family to Tagaytay for the first time. We don't usually go out of town so this was a treat in over a long period of time. No regret anyway.

March. Step up ceremony of my little girl from Nursery to Kinder. Well, the spending in this month was unexpected. I'll probably blog about it separately because right now I am still in cloud 9.

The good thing all through out these, was that I received a good amount of windfall at the end of February, which has covered the expenses and left the savings untouched. Thank God for all these abundance.

Anyway, we have been debt free since November, but having that mindset has somehow clouded my judgment these early months of the year. This actually is, bringing me back to the old self of having-money-enough-to-spend. I have to set up reminders to myself for this, 'hey, if I continue doing this, I might end up in debt again by the end of the year'.

Holding myself was difficult even though I have managed for a long time to somehow live frugally as I can. I think, the idea of being penny pinching for such a long time has taken a toll on me and my spender-natural-self is kicking in.

I just hope that I would be better again in our finances this second quarter.

Just like any subject or journey we embarked, there will be this time, when you have to let loose. I think, that I missed that when I was starting up. I was so fire up in achieving something big, that while I am travelling I forgot to give in to my cravings or in diet program - the cheat days.

But then, these are the lessons I am about to learn while working on those dreams. Yes, I have read about all these but experiencing it personally is way different. They would say that all questions pops up when you are already on it. I guessed, I belong to that group of people. And I need to develop that trait, that when I am presented with an idea, I have already put myself on that shoe before it even started.

It's a long way to go.

There are still a lot to learn. I should start with refreshing myself on why I have chosen to work on my finances back in 2014. For now, let me reflect again. :)

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